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Fat Swing Impact
Available Colour Chart
The Swing Impact Fat is a multiple winner in ABT Bass tournaments and a standout for Barra and Mulloway.
It is incredibly versatile with a tail that beats strongly on the drop whilst maintaining perfect balance on all retrieval speeds. Available in 2.8", 3.8", 4.8" and 5.8" sizes, there is a size for every species from Trout, to Bass and even Barramundi.
Loaded with Keitech's signature squid scent and salt impregnated, the Swing Impact Fat will outfish a traditional paddle tail plastic everytime.
400 Ayu (Avail in all sizes)
001 Black (Avail in 2.8")
416 Silver Flash Minnow (Avail in all sizes)
417 GoldFlash Minnow (Avail in all sizes)
420 Pro Blue Red Pearl (Avail in 2.8")
424 Lime / Chartreuse (Avail in 2.8", 3.3", 3.8" and 4.8")
426 Sexy Shad (Avail in 2.8", 3.8", 4.8" and 5.8")
429 Tennessee Shad (Avail in 2.8" and 4.8")
431 Hasu (Avail in all sizes)
438 Green Pumpkin Fire (Avail in all sizes)
440 Electric Shad (Avail in 2.8", 3.8", 4.8" & 5.8")
416 Silver Flash Minnow
236 Sexy Shad
440 Electric Shad
482 Ghost Rainbow
484 Chartreuse Shad
**NEW** 6.8" & 7.8" Fat Swing Impact (below)
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